The research project power*stage inspired by rethink*rotor (p*s) is investigating the reuse of used rotor blades from wind turbines (WEA) as load-bearing components for open-air stages. The aim is to show how difficult-to-recycle fiber composites can be integrated into the circular economy through innovative usage concepts. This approach is complemented by the integration of used lithium-ion batteries, which could serve as static anchors, for example.
The project addresses key challenges such as material testing, load-bearing capacity analyses and fire protection, while at the same time creating an attractive, multifunctional cultural venue. powerstage* demonstrates the potential of sustainable resource use and combines technical innovation with social added value.
The funding will significantly accelerate the project. North Rhine-Westphalia benefits in several ways: from promoting the circular economy to strengthening the cultural and creative industries to creating a driving force for structural change in the Rhineland region. The project shows how sustainable material use and innovation can go hand in hand and serves as a model for other industries.
OX2architekten has stood for sustainable and sophisticated architecture for over 30 years. Under the motto "Sustainable FORE-thinking", the office pursues a holistic approach: from environmentally friendly design to low-emission construction processes and the reuse of materials. Durability and aesthetics are the focus in order to preserve the labor and knowledge tied up in buildings.
In the powerstage* project, OX2architekten is bringing its multidisciplinary expertise to bear in order to design an open-air stage as a symbol of structural change in the Rhineland region and to combine culture, technology and sustainability.
The Jakobshof Aachen - Südstadtkultur eV has been committed to cultural networking in Aachen, NRW and the Euregio Maas-Rhein since 2009. With projects such as the Südstraßenfest and Kimiko Isle of Art, the association provides innovative impulses and maintains supra-regional partnerships.
In the research project powerstage inspired by rethinkrotor, the association contributes its expertise in sustainable event development, circular economy and cooperation. The aim is to establish the powerstage* as a model for sustainable open-air stages and to combine culture, technology and sustainability.
The Department of Architecture at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (h_da) combines practice-oriented teaching with the examination of building culture and construction engineering challenges. Since 1971, the department has been committed to knowledge transfer and cooperation with students.
In the powerstage* project, the department brings expertise in architecture, structural engineering, mechanical engineering and environmental engineering. The main focus areas include concept development, material-specific investigations, structural preliminary dimensions and environmental analyses. In addition, work is being carried out on AI-supported planning and model investigations.
The vision of powerstage* is to advance the circular economy by reusing rotor blades from wind turbines as building elements.
Die Voltfang GmbH aus Aachen entwickelt nachhaltige Batteriespeichersysteme aus wiederverwendeten E-Auto-Batterien, die überschüssige Energie aus erneuerbaren Quellen wie PV-Anlagen effizient nutzbar machen. So trägt Voltfang zur Senkung der Energiekosten und Förderung einer nachhaltigen Energiezukunft bei.
Im Projekt powerstage* integriert Voltfang maßgeschneiderte Batteriespeicher, die Lastspitzen reduzieren, Energieautarkie steigern und den ökologischen Fußabdruck minimieren. Tests und Überwachung sichern die Langlebigkeit der Systeme.
Mit dem Ziel einer dezentralen und intelligenten Energieversorgung gestaltet Voltfang die Energieinfrastruktur nachhaltiger und zukunftsfähig.
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